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I'm guilty...

Ok I think every girl is.. but of what you ask? The "One-Time Wear". Yes, the wonderful and terrible One-Time Wear // O.T.W. // More often than not this beast is born from the invite of a one-time event. For example, a girlfriends wedding or a business holiday party or your big birthday. You know, events that you want to feel special for and to feel special you want to wear something special. So you go out and buy a lavish, navy blue snakeskin dress with kimono sleeves, high leg slit, and a deep cut v-neck and you slay that party.... then only to shove that dress in the back corner of your closet, never to be seen or heard from again; Because lets be honest, who wants to be seen wearing the same outfit over again to another one-time event. It's a vicious cycle.



You know you promised yourself that once the New Year started you'd be back in that gym busting out the squats. So what better way to keep that promise then to get yourself some new goods and try some new tips to motivate that fitness spirit within! Here I put together some things that keep me ready to head back into the gym for every sweat-session. I hope it gives you that extra boost to keep pumping the iron!

Now, nothing gets me revved up and ready to go more than a killer I have a few staples that I can't wait to wear into the gym, and sometimes out // whoop whoop athleisure // With gymwear I try to keep everything black, white, or grey with a few pops of color and patterns here and there; that way everything matches! The last thing you want to do is spend an hour trying to put together a cute gym outfit and eventually giving up all together. Make it easy and quick so you have no excuse to miss class!


 LuluLemon Fast Lane Sports Bra


baby steps

Happy New Year Everyone! We are already three days in to 2017..CRAZY! And with this new year comes the New Year's Resolutions right?

Ok I feel like every new year people always say, "This year is going to be better than the last! I am going to accomplish all my goals and totally rock! Woohoo year blah blah blah". I don't know why we get this sudden pep in our step come the new year, probably because most people love a beginning. It just feels fresh, the whole new start-new me mentality. Believe me I am with you on this, but how do you actually achieve it? How do you make this year better than the last? How do you set New Year's Resolutions that become resolute? Well I don't have a fool-proof answer and I feel like most people don't, but here is the way I am going to try to achieve this "better year" in 2017; baby steps.